
The Value of a Comprehensive Maintenance Audit for Transformers and Other Electrical Equipment

Keeping transformers and other electrical equipment running smoothly is essential to the success of every transmission and distribution organization. Whether you are an investor-owned utility, a coop, a municipality, or even a large industrial facility, you need the ability to repair equipment promptly and get it back into service as quickly as possible.

Just as importantly, you need the ability to anticipate potential problems before they happen, put maintenance plans in place that keep every piece of equipment running optimally, and review the system regularly to spot emerging issues. You also need to stay compliant with the latest regulations and see trends that could help enhance the purchasing cycle.

A comprehensive maintenance audit helps to achieve all of these objectives. By looking at the state of your current equipment assets, your in-house maintenance and repair capabilities, and your existing processes for the procurement of parts and services, the maintenance audit delivers benefits that include:

  • Increasing operational efficiencies
  • Reducing costs for parts and third-party maintenance services
  • Fully capitalizing on available warranty services
  • Offsetting or replacing new purchases by extending the life of current equipment

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Contact us today at to set-up your field audit to make sure your equipment is in optimum operating condition.

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